Easy Yoga Practices for Menopause Relief

Dr Hansaji Yogendra, Director of The Yoga Institute and President of the Indian Yoga Association has trained over one lakh yoga teachers till date. She has been instrumental in helping design the yoga education syllabus for schools that was implemented throughout the country by NCERT, BMC schools, University of Mumbai. For Beejliving she writes about Yoga to ease into menopause.
Mother Sitadevi Yogendra, a pioneer in yoga for women’s health wrote: “The first and most sacred duty of a woman consists in taking care of her own body.”
A woman’s body goes through many changes throughout her life. Menopause is not a disease but one such natural phase in a woman’s life when the regular cyclical function of menstruation comes to an end. These changes can occur gradually or abruptly. If it happens gradually, it could last several years and may trigger a constellation of uncomfortable symptoms such as hot flushes and insomnia.

Since menopause is a biological phenomenon in a woman’s life, many medical practitioners highly recommend yogic management of these symptoms instead of prescribing medication. Women who regularly practice yoga find it easier to cope with this transition in life. Establishing a disciplined yoga practice before the onset of menopause definitely makes a difference since the postures and techniques are already familiar. However, the most wonderful thing about yoga is that one can start practicing it at any age.
Here are some suggestions on how to manage menopause symptoms using yoga practices that can help one to alleviate these symptoms with ease and comfort. These practices make the body and mind strong enough to bear with the changes it is going through.
Hot Flashes/Night Sweats
Many menopausal women agree that stress and intense periods of activity tend to aggravate these symptoms.

Makarasana – The Crocodile Posture
This asana is extremely effective in relaxing your body and mind. It also brings alertness and helps to remove fatigue.
- Lie down on your belly making a pillow of your hands.
- Keep your legs outstretched with toes inwards, touching each other and heels apart.
- Remain motionless in this position and place the weight of your body on the ground completely.
- Close your eyes and breathe normally.
- Relax in this posture for a few minutes.
- Slowly open your eyes, turn to your right side for a few moments and then gently lift yourself up into a sitting position.

Mood swings
It is sometimes accompanied with depression and lethargy and a woman could feel weary for several days or weeks on end.
Utkatasana – The Upraised Posture
This weight-bearing asana builds up strength and the ability to concentrate.
- Stand straight keeping your feet parallel at hip-width distance from each other.
- Keep your hands stretched out, parallel to the floor and palms facing downwards.
- Inhaling, raise your heels.
- Exhaling, bend your knees and come into a squatting position.
- Suspend your breath for 4 seconds.
- Inhaling, slowly rise up.
- Lower your hands.
Anxiety, Irritability, Depression and Insomnia
This range of unpleasant symptoms are usually associated with physical and psychological changes in a woman’s life.

Hastapadasana – The Hand to Feet Posture
This forward bend involving the hands and feet can reduce irritability and anxiety because bending forward and shutting out external distractions can soothe the mind and reduce the effects of mental tension. This asana brings humility and acceptance of the self along with surrender to the universe.
- Stand with your feet together or as close as possible and keep your hands by your side.
- Inhaling, lift both hands from the front above your head.
- Exhaling, with head and hands as one unit, bend down to touch your toes or grasp your ankles keeping your knees straight. You may micro-bend your knees if you have lower backache.
- Make an effort to touch your forehead to the knees.
- Stay in this position breathing normally for 1 minute.
- Inhaling, bring your head and hands up as one unit.
- Take your hands up above your head.
- Exhaling, bring your hands to the sides with a backward rotation of your shoulders.
There are other excellent yogic techniques like Bhujangasana, Supta Bhadrasana and Diaphragmatic Breathing which are helpful in handling the symptoms of menopause. Here are some more lifestyle aspects that a woman going through menopause may follow.

- Include pulses like chick peas in your diet.
- Avoid spicy food especially at night as it increases hot flushes.
- Include soybean and other soy products as these are a natural source of oestrogen.
- Go out for walks in open nature.
- Engage yourself positively in a hobby, learn new skills or volunteer to participate in activities at local social groups.
- Follow a disciplined lifestyle to avoid depression and anxiety.
- Avoid overthinking.
- Continue devotional practices, if so inclined.
- Maintain silence particularly when one starts becoming irritable.
- Write 10 positive points about yourself or your day in a journal.

These yoga practices are some methods a woman can follow as she journeys through the ‘big M’. Yoga can be a wonderful aid when your body feels out of control. If you have been practicing yoga for years, you might find that this is a good time to modify your practice to give your body what it needs.