Beej Discover

A moment of mindfulness

A moment of mindfulness

When I close my eyes, the world around me quietens. A soft calmness descends on my mind, which follows my body, on cue, into repose through meditation, a moment of mindfulness. I had been meditating by myself off and on, till last year I learnt Transcendental Meditation. In TM, you work with a mantra to guide you into the inner recesses of your mind. Whenever your monkey mind rushes about, the mantra, like a hook, draws you back in.

Altering fashion’s trajectory: less is more

Altering fashion’s trajectory: less is more

In our second column on reimagining a conscious future, Priyanka Modi, Creative Director, AMPM, speaks about the fashion’s faltering footsteps and what it will take to shift the trajectory towards conscious consumption and making ‘less is more’ less a concept and more reality

Why I chose to study Sanskrit

Why I chose to study Sanskrit

I come from the school of whimsy. I don’t come from the school of thought that everything I invest time has to be of practical use in life. (namely work and to earn money, people contend) Sanskrit will help me in the school of life.

Ayurvastra: fashion values for the future

Ayurvastra: fashion values for the future

Kerala had ‘Ayurvastra’ researchers practicing centuries old traditional fabric treatment methods. Ayurvedic doctors and researchers prepare dyes, macerations and treatments that infuse the textiles with medicinal characteristics. These include chitrathai (ginger plant), tulsi (wild basil), Madagascar Periwinkle (vinca rosea), the tails of the bell plant and sandalwood, amongst others. The list is a highly curated selection of natural oils and plants that are integral to the science of Ayurvastra.

Q. How are A-type personalities (such as myself) handling the lock down?

Q. How are A-type personalities (such as myself) handling the lock down?

Q. How are A-type personalities (such as myself) handling the lockdown?
A. With utmost grace and serenity, hunkering down, keeping your mouth shut when required to and going with the flow.
Reality: I wish I did that when I could but I didn’t so help me lord, but I’m doing it now.

The Shift : What I Wish People Told Me Before I Embraced Clean Living

The Shift : What I Wish People Told Me Before I Embraced Clean Living

This is an important conversation I’ve wanted to have. And i wish someone had guided me as I took to clean living. A lot of people want to embrace clean living by using more natural products, supplements, diets and traditional techniques, I encourage you to …