Beej Discover

The boundless joy of viewing life as an artist

The boundless joy of viewing life as an artist

Nature is the supreme artist with no limitations on materials. Be it the endless skies, nurturing earth, massive mountains, solid rocks, endless seas, merciless deserts, and magical snow, you can just imagine the endless series of props in a bag that she pulls out: magnificent works of art, which no camera can capture. These visual treats are random, phenomenal and never the same, and have inspired artists, brought to life by Turner or Constable, surprisingly distorted by Dali and interestingly simplified by Paul Klee.



The lime is the small desi sibling of the more robust lemon, from the Citrus Aurantifolia tree ( Nimbuka in Sanskrit) , found widely in India. The acidic fruit comes from the short, squat, shrub like tree with short stiff twigs and many small prickly thorns. These tiny thorns have a spiritual meaning, says Anthony Williams, the Medical Medium. You can’t just pluck it, it takes mindful appreciation to gather the fruit. This self-protectiveness is reflective of real-life relationships, which one should approach with mutual love and admiration for those around us.

Why I turned Vegan (And so did my family)

Why I turned Vegan (And so did my family)

“Veganism brought a far more compassionate, aware and disciplined approach to life. I started relooking at my food not just from a nutritional point of view but also at its carbon footprint. I realised the importance of seasonal, local and organic food.”

Eating Mindfully in a Digital World

Eating Mindfully in a Digital World

Sarah Nicole Edwards, Founder, Copper + Cloves & Health Coach, is on a mission to prove that eating well does not mean boring or restrictive food. Sarah studied with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and is a certified Health and Wellness Coach. She uses a …

An Urban Oasis: Sunder Nursery

An Urban Oasis: Sunder Nursery

I have lived the past month shrouded in the swirls of dust that have enveloped Delhi. The smog never seemed to disperse. So, the opportunity to visit a manicured oasis in the heart of the city, a palpably green wonderland, was naturally a draw for …

A Humane Intervention

A Humane Intervention

Designer and co-founder of design house, Unlike Design Co. (, Harpreet Padam graduated from the Accessory Design Department at the National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi in 1999. Harpreet and his partner at Unlike, Lavanya Asthana, a communication design graduate from the National Institute …